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Saturday, September 24, 2011

A dubstep cover of a dubstep remix of a dubstep song???

My face is melted.. which kinda sucks but i guess its whatever

Smarterchild?? really???

Who else used to fuck around with smarterchild when they were bored as shit? He wouldnt even talk to me anymore hahahaha

Some trance with heavvyyy asss basssssssss

Who doesnt love soulja boy brittany spears lady gaga and so on..

And to answer the question posed in the title almost anyone with any sense of music taste doesnt love those goonz. but for some odd reason placed together its actually pretty fuckin good. Soulja boiii yuuuuuu

Friday, September 23, 2011

We all see the world differently

But this is how I see the world

womp womp womp fridayyyss

Holy shit its a penguin wearing a shirt!! and a good song i guess...

Huge fan of Gemini and he drops another bloody fuckerr

Babababababa babbabababababa

Some weekend tunezz

Number one tune on beatport. Video just shows the fuckin magic that goes on at a showww.

Drinking to get drunk is just realistic, cus no i take vodka shots cus i just looove the taste..

Heavy as the 6 foot dong of pengiuns that they use to rape people!!!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Holy shit i just shat my pants

Dont click this video unless you want to freak out... seriously... my roomate just freaked out to me freaking out

Without you, Might not be without me but still bangs like a phillipeno

Okay i probably spelled phillipeno wrong... but i just dont give a fuck cus im listening to this song right now and those songs that just dont make ya give a fuck are the songs i love cus i just dont give a flying fuuuckkkk

Wolfgang drops

Huuge fan of wolfgang gartner and was expecting a great album but weekend in america at least for me just doesnt work. A few good tracks, some of them have been out for a while

The best new tune on the album

Pretty dirty and who doesnt like some nice ass to look at while jammin

Has been out for a minute but its on the album and that synth comin in at the end just makes my arm hairs tingle orgasmically

That break in the middle leaves ya wanting for more, and ya fuckin get it. Once again out for a bit but its on the album and definitely his headliner if your new to wolfgang

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Time does in fact fly by so enjoy every second

Great vocals and some unexpected wompage. Damn..

3LAU is a monster mash up genius

I love all these songs separateley but together its incredible. Downlizoad right her


Just dropped todayy

This guy is just... shiiiiittttttt. download 

Check out his facebook to hear more and free downloads!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Klaypex playsex mateschecks?

Dirtier than the underbelly of a balooga that just rolled around in some dirty stuff...

Rainy days dont exist here in LA but if its raining and ya got nothing else to do maybe play this song?

Download the EP riiighhhttt here

Who does loove cash mooonneeeyyy

Read the title with the best yo momma host impersonation possible. But Far To Loud released their Ready To Stomp EP the other day and the name of the artist is perfect for dubstep and this tune is quite the money maker indeed.
Gotta love dem synnthhsss

Kap Slap does it again

Pumped up Kicks and Alesso's Calling just go perfectly together like rattle snakes and pinatas. Gotta love the Kap Slap.

On the topic of pumped up kicks...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Some hungover tunez..

I love Cod and I love dubstep... soooooo this throwback is perfect for your throbbing headache

A bit too hungover to think of anything creative to write for this song, but i enjoy listening to it right now?

This song is incredible for all occasions. especially for those all nighters on repeat when shits just not going your way.